Trades & Crafts Career Guide
Careers in Trades and Crafts are diverse and always in demand. We selected some jobs and majors/courses just to get you started. On you will find many more paths.
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Please find a selection of jobs in Trades & Crafts. Find many more by clicking on them.
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Construction and Maintenance Painter
Clinical Laboratory Technician
Do I fit?
With reference to our Swipe Quiz, successful people in trades and crafts typically share a few characteristics. They are often Practical and Artistic. Check how well you match these descriptions, or take our SWIPE QUIZ to get a more accurate picture.
PRACTICAL: “You are a hands-on type of individual. The things you deal with must be tangible, practical and visible. What you do should be pragmatic and have practical use. You don’t enjoy being inside, or stuck at a desk all the time. You may like physical work, craftsmanship or to operate technology devices. You enjoy a variety of activities and/or tasks. If you can, you enjoy being on the road, and travelling. You have a bias for action. You also have a particular preference for matters connected with nature and the environment.”
ARTISTIC: “You love to be creative, and enjoy the artistic side of life. You like to be surrounded by beauty, and would enjoy creating products or services which use your imagination and creative sensibility. You always have new ideas, and an eye for design. You can express yourself in an original way and generally like to draw attention to this. To create new things gives you great satisfaction and energy. Working intuitively, with a lot of variety, diversity and room for self-realization, that’s your thing.”
Dependent on the job, especially the ones in the medical field or entertainment, many successful people in trades and crafts also have strong social talents. Check if this description applies to you.
SOCIAL: “You’re a people person, someone with a lot of social and communication skills. You like to work in groups and work with others. You can easily empathize and put yourself into other people’s shoes. You find it important to make others feel at ease. You like it when people are happy with your presence and your work.You like relationship building actvities. You are humanistic, and the suffering of others gets your attention. Helping someone else is something that comes natural to you. You probably contribute to good causes. You adapt easily when this helps to draw people in. You avoid arguments, and prefer diplomatic approaches to conflict. You put great value on mutual respect.”
Actions you can take now to get ready
Careers in trades and crafts very much depend on your personal interests and talents.
Classes or electives you may consider to take depend on the path you’re on of course, but sign up to these to help you get ready. When your school offers them, great; otherwise look for alternatives. FindMino suggests online or classroom courses. Find them by browsing the respective job or major on
Art, Cooking, Studio Art, Art and Architecture history, Drawing, Photography, Painting, Writing, Vlogging, Blogging, Sculpture, Acting, Dancing, Screenwriting, Video Production, Theater Arts, Technical Theater, Musical Instrument, Singing, Band Music, Music Appreciation, Performance Ensemble, Jazz Ensemble, Guitar, Chorus, Piano, Percussion, Instrumental Methods, Cosmetology, Culinary Arts, Graphic Communications,
Individual sports, team sports, Fitness, Physical Education, Health, Nutrition, First Aid, Wellness, Sports medicine, Nursing, Nail Design Technology, Pharmacy Technology, Practical Nursing (PN), Certified Nurse Aide (CNA), Radiology Technology, Medical Laboratory Technology, Veterinary Science, Emergency Medical Technician (EMT),
Carpentry, Welding , Electricity, Construction, Painting, Sewing, Landscaping, Administration of Justice, Auto Collision Repair Technology, Auto Servicing Technology, Biotechnology, Building Construction, Environmental Plant Sciences, Firefighter, Heating, Ventilation, & Air Conditioning (HVAC), Masonry
Computer Information Systems, Computer Network Operations, Computer & Digital Animation,, Multimedia, Programming, Web Development, Game Development, Computer Science, Computer Integrated Engineering & Design (CIED),, Technical Drawing and Design, Engineering Drawing and Design, Digital Moviemaking