Finding a new job can often be challenging, even without the stress of handling a relocation at the same time. Luckily, the job market currently has plenty of offers for those who are looking for work. To make the best out of your current situation, here are 6 tips for finding a job in a new city.
- Create a LinkedIn profile
Whatever line of work you are in, it’s always a good idea to connect with other professionals from your field. LinkedIn is one of the best places to find people with a similar educational background and work history to yours. If you don’t already have an account there, you really should consider creating one as soon as possible. Networking and personal referrals have become the most important ways for young people to find jobs. It’s all about who you know and who knows about you, so get yourself out there.
Start connecting with professionals in the new city you are going to be moving to. See if you already have contacts that could put in a good word for you with local companies. Tell them about your move and that you will be looking for a job soon. Many companies reward their employees for referring new people, so remind your contacts to keep an eye out for new openings – it could be beneficial for both of you.

2. Connect with the local community
Although most online networking is done through LinkedIn, there are some local resources you can also tap into. Online spaces like Craigslist and Reddit often have strong local communities. Finding job listings or valuable leads there isn’t uncommon. If the line of work you’re looking for has a dedicated online network where professionals gather – create an account there. See if there are any local chapters you can join, either online or in-person, once you move there. You could also go old-school and check out the local want ads and business journals.
Colleges usually have career counselors and job recruitment programs. They often have positions that aren’t just reserved for the students. Inquire with them to see if there are any available positions and ask them about tips for finding a job in a new city.
3. Try to find a job even before you move
Depending on how much time you have before the move, you could start job hunting even before relocating. You might be able to do some research and find employers who are hiring and schedule some interviews. Interviews are more and more conducted online. You could do the talk with your future employers from pretty much anywhere.

4. Keep your current job
If you are currently under employment and need to move, you can see if keeping your old job is possible. More and more companies allow their employees to work remotely without needing to come to the office. That way, you could keep doing the same job and still get to move to a new city. On the other hand, some companies have outlets, dealerships, or offices in multiple states. Employees who work in large companies with offices in their new location can ask for a transfer. Even if a matching position isn’t available, you can still keep working for the same company.

5. Update your address
It should go without mention, but your CV needs to have all the relevant information updated. As soon as you know what your new address will be, you can put it on your CV. This is one of the most important tips for finding a job in a new city, since some employers might be reluctant if you are not from the area. They can dismiss you straight away without even getting past the address information. Every resume needs to tell a story, and you should start by telling your new employers that you are devoted to the position and location.
6. Target large companies
If you have previously only worked for mom and pop stores, now’s the time to start casting a wider net. Some places are always hiring, and that’s usually the large companies or chain stores. There are many jobs you can land even without a college degree or a lot of experience. Jobs in large companies can be used as a springboard, and you could climb their corporate ladder. Or you can just stay there until you find something better. Whichever the case, it can be reassuring to know that there are available options for you to fall back on.
In a pinch, even temporary or seasonal jobs can be great if you are in-between careers. Seasonal jobs are also a good option if you plan to move around a lot or don’t know how long you will be staying in the city you are in now.
In conclusion
It’s great if you can afford to give yourself as much time as you need to look for a job. When moving to a new home, you don’t always have that luxury. Sometimes you just need to hit the ground running. That’s why we put together this article with 6 tips for finding a job in a new city. For more resources on how to launch a successful career, be sure to visit, where you will also be able to find many more valuable tips, as well as professionals who are always eager to lend a helping hand. Keep your eyes open for new opportunities, and happy hunting!