What Makes FindMino Different
A great selection of online career info
FindMino’s career database is unique as it contains curated content to help users “sneak a peek” into various careers and related interests through ‘day in the life’ youtubes, average pay and job prospects, typical education paths, current vacancies in the USA per job/career, recommended schools and school finders, useful career specific blogs and podcasts, career paths to college and alternative paths, and career-specific forums and professional organizations.
The best of existing career databases & careers of the future
Our career database consists of jobs and majors taken from the most used career databases at schools, colleges and career support service centers. Unlike traditional career services, FindMino’s career database is biased towards careers of the future, i.e. nascent or trending careers that will be ‘safe bets’ rather than ones that have existed for ages. This is significantly different from existing career support systems available.
As an example, we include the latest jobs being created and posted by leading edge companies like Amazon and Apple.
Intuitive UI
FindMino’s user interface is friendly, inviting and offers modern, inspiring jobs, career ideas and connections to career paths one had never considered before. People can search, explore on keyword, browse through career guides, or take FindMino’s unique Swipe Quiz© that offers relevant career ideas based on someone’s unique set of talents, interests and competencies.
How we watch the reliability of content
The sources of info we use are selected based on these criteria to maximize reliability.
1- Government-provided information (like bls.gov).
2- Content offered by non-profit organizations.
3- Non-sponsored content (unless the only info or best info available happens to be sponsored, in which case we make sure it is clearly marked as sponsored).* *.
4- Content that appears highest in search engines and/or that is created based on reviews by students and users, I.e. content that is consulted most frequently by people and/or provided by renowned sites or organizations.
5- When available we share content from at least two resources to avoid bias, apart from books, where we limit ourselves to Amazon.com since they offer the largest selection.*
*Please note that we are a Coursera.org affiliate. When you purchase a course, we may earn some money on your purchase.