Humanity is a breathing paradox. Evolution is very important to us; we take it very seriously. Look how far we’ve come: we can cure cancer and male baldness. We drive electric cars and wear smartwatches that meticulously monitor our blood pressure and quality of sleep. We are constantly evolving. But are we, truly? Vast intelligence comes with significant blind spots. The human brain can store 2.5 million gigabytes of digital memory. Astonishing, isn’t it? Yet again, our existence remains brittle, and its outcome – is exceptionally uncertain. Why? Because (and this is the fun part) we fear change. We are overwhelmed by the luxury of choice. We get lost, drowned in indecision. Where to? How? As Bruce Lee beautifully put it: “Be like water, my friend.” Nothing stays the same. This is how to find and ride the waves that come by. Surf’s up.
Finding and riding the waves
Resistance defies nature’s course, and as such, we can’t define it as an organic response to life’s stimuli. Sad to say, resistance is an empirical technique mastered and perfected by humans for existential protection, and it has served us well so far. However, times are changing. Young professionals tread the tumultuous waters in search of their path and purpose. Our view on careers is shifting at a tremendous speed. We are finally starting to see the big picture by virtue of the collective trauma. Things begin to matter, our coordinate systems broaden, and our thoughts deepen. We are now entering a stage of collective reflection, and that’s a good thing. That’s where we find our waves. And ride.

The dangers of “permanence”
We are creatures of the present tense; we tend to get caught up in the moment and then experience difficulty seeing the whole picture. Instead of escaping unpleasant experiences, we savor the pain and project it onto our future, like fortune tellers. “I see bad things happening to you in the immediate future. Beware.” That’s what we do; we overextend the everyday experience and fear its continuum. For example, if our pitch gets rejected, we can’t help but think that it will happen again. Subsequently, self-doubt kicks in. If we fail to fight off the “permanent” mindset, it will create devastation. Permanent thinking can birth poor judgment. It can make us think of ourselves as utter failures and prevent us from seizing new opportunities. A “permanent” mindset is a ball and chain to our surfboard – we’re bound to sink.
Define what moves you
Firstly, in order to find and ride the waves, we must recognize their nature. The waves represent change, whether it be challenges or opportunities. Seeing a challenge as an opportunity for growth makes it a bit more exciting and a little less daunting. Before we start paddling into our waves, we must reflect on what matters: our goals and values. Taking time to reflect on what moves us and our passions is key to seeing the big picture. Precontemplation and contemplation are not idle businesses; they ready us for whatever is coming. The questions to be asked: “What am I passionate about?” “What is that one thing that I keep coming back to?” Individuals who find their truths get rewarded with quantum leaps – and many move long-distance when changing jobs. To prepare for this process, we must embrace change.

Embrace the uncertainty
As we navigate the turbulent waters, it’s important to remind ourselves that it’s natural (and expected) to feel myriad clashing emotions – from exhilaration to annihilation. All emotions go. Accepting the vast emotional palette without self-judgment is key to activating our instincts and muscle memory. The moment we embrace the incoming unknown, the “You’ve been here before. You know how to do this. ” mode turns on. The truth is, we already know how to ride. It’s time to refresh our memory. Therefore, get a pen and paper and:
- write down a couple of “wave” examples from your previous professional experience
- write down in detail how you navigated the situation and successfully overcame the given obstacles
- what did you learn from the experience? Write down all the constructive, positive things that came out of the situation.
See? Riding isn’t that hard. We’ve done it before and can certainly do it again with even more vigor.
Weather conditions
Since we’re using the “surfing” analogy, let’s talk about weather conditions. Once we find our next significant role, it’s time to do some research. Will this particular career path even exist in the future? Will it evolve or become redundant? What skills do I need to work on to add value? Before entering the waters, we must look at the sky and study the clouds. Feel the wind. Smell the air. Moving specialists from Number 1 Movers Canada report: “A large percentage of our long-distance clients are young professionals in search of better job opportunities.” Surf’s up, indeed. But, before the big dive, we must master this lesson first: timing is everything. The timing determines our success; we initiate too early and miss the wave. Launch too late, and we’re in for a wipeout.

Trust the journey
Lesson no. 2: not every wave is the right wave. Missing out on the incoming opportunity, only to find the next one to be the ride of our lives, is a strategy well-executed. There’s no rush. Trust the journey. Trust your gut. Even if we crash, there’s a lesson and knowledge to be absorbed. Pain and reflection bring career progress. The more we lose, the more resilient we become. If we allow ourselves to shift the perspective, it’s a win-win situation.
If our goal is to find and ride the waves, we must embrace the ultimate truth: change is the only constant we know. The less we fight it, the more it will give. Surf’s up. If you want to learn more about maximizing your career potential, visit, the free go-to source for career exploration of the web.