Telling your own story

Understanding your passions, and putting them into words.

The stories we tell matter.  Every person, every community, every place has a story. Stories shape our identities, our imagination, each other and how we know the world around us.  

To change our world, we need to change our stories. It has always been this way.   

Since the days of our earliest ancestors, our ability to tell, listen to and remember story has been our key skill and conduit for knowledge sharing, communication, expression and most importantly, survival. Such is the case of storytelling for personal and career success.  

The Story of Stuff

Consider Annie Leonard’s critically acclaimed Story of Stuff (Story of Stuff)  which started as a personal passion and grew into a fun, short animated documentary story about the lifecycle of material goods. This story went from being “just a story” to become a global phenomenon, a movement and a non-profit organization. 

Annie Leonard told the story behind humanity’s trance of consumerism and exposed how our cultural story is driving the “need” for more and more stuff.  

Beyond entertainment, the Story of Stuff is, if anything, a survival story, a sustainability story and a plea to wake up and stop telling a story of unsustainability. If we don’t, we won’t survive; we’ll run out of stuff.  

The Story of Stuff is also a story of how one person’s personal vision and personal story can take root in an entrepreneurial vision, and create an unexpected career.

Telling your own, personal story

Beginning one’s career, or choosing to go to college, is just one step in the process of growing one’s life and telling one’s own personal story.

Learning to tell your story, share your vision of who you are, what you are passionate about and what calls you to action is key in leaning into one’s life and career path.  Like Annie Leonard, you never know where your passion and story will take you in life.

At FindMino, we will be offering more opportunities to explore career options and ways of vocation as well as learning from other people’s stories, along with learning how to tell your story and practice your career destiny.

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Sign on to Free access. No need to download. FindMino is a web app that offers an inspiring place to get sorted on career choice. In a pleasant way FindMino helps to find your competencies, and to make up your mind on where you want to go. And it pre-sorts quality online information around careers, saving you tons of time to find it yourself. 

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