It’s a competitive world out there. Ruthless, even. Yes, that’s the word. The competition is fierce, relentless, and utterly ruthless. We stop at nothing. – simply because we have to. Stay behind, or tread onward. What does it mean? And what does it take? These aren’t the good old days when one would follow the benevolent, linear path to success. Secure the job. Well done. Rest. No. These aren’t the golden days when things were predictable, safe, and – somewhat dull, to be honest. Modern times keep us on our young, professional toes without a crumb of mercy. Ballet dancers? Oh, yes. Pirouettes 24/7. Until retirement. That’s the game. So, how do we succeed? How does one stay on one’s toes? How do we futureproof our careers? -It’s all about the mental framework. This is how to overcome a blocked mindset.
Mindset blocks
This is the thing about mindset blocks: they are not exceptionally good at resolving themselves and fortuitously disappearing. It takes effort. Constant, repetitive effort. Why is it hard, you ask? Because we’re human. And human beings are riddled with insecurities and blitzkrieg cognitions. What we come to understand tonight might be gone before sunrise. The truths we face are elusive and difficult to tame and keep. So, what are the main mindset blockages of any young professional out there?

Compulsive comparison
Believing others are more successful/talented/lucky than us can significantly hinder our career progress. By adopting the false belief about “competition,” we’re taking away the most valuable in the professional us – our self-confidence. “Take mine. I don’t deserve it.” This mental framework can be detrimental; practicing radical open-mindedness is crucial for overcoming mindset blocks.
Absolute perfection
Perfectionism is rarely an ally. Here’s an ungodly truth: it’s never going to be perfect. Trial and error; that’s intrinsic to the human modus operandi. Agonizing over every single detail is simply a colossal waste of time; not only that but through such rigidity, we leave no room for a flexible mindset.
Crippling fear of criticism
Fear of criticism can lead to professional procrastination, as being afraid of rejection (asking for a promotion, better pay, a new project, etc.) often results in shying away from career endeavors. We cannot make meaningful connections or tangible progress without putting ourselves out there.
The “imposter” syndrome
We often see this in young professionals. Imposter syndrome can be defined as a psychological occurrence in which a person doubts their every accomplishment, skill, or talent, followed by a strong, persistent fear of being called a fraud. This mindset block stems from a malicious conviction that we’re simply “not worthy.”
One self-sabotage to rule them all; also known as behavioral dysregulation; this conscious or unconscious behavior blocks a person from accomplishing their life goals. Self-sabotage can severely hinder our career trajectory; that’s why it’s paramount to practice self-awareness.

“Open the gates!”
So, how exactly does one overcome a blocked mindset? Step 1: We accept the daunting truth: we are in auto-hinder mode. As ego-crushing as it may seem, uttering “mea culpa” (my fault) is more than necessary and welcome. In order to become professionally indestructible, we must practice self-awareness. But will it suffice? No, of course not. Becoming mindful is merely the tip of the iceberg. This is where it gets creative.
Growth mindset
Young professionals face a career labyrinth; competency is simply everything. Any employer’s favorite animal? Omnipotent octopus. The growth mindset is just one of Findmino’s Career Cube ingredients for a bulletproof career trajectory. -Tell me more.
What is a growth mindset?
And why is it important for overcoming blockages? Here’s why: we might be struggling with a fixed mindset. Nature vs. nurture analogy; while a growth mindset focuses on “nurture,” that is, crystalized intelligence (empiric, experiential), development, and self-improvement, a fixed mindset is limited by the belief in fixed, innate abilities. “What you see is what you get” scenario, where one misses out on opportunities for learning and expansion. In contrast, a growth mindset will:
- see each situation as an opportunity for learning
- accept and embrace constructive criticism
- embrace any given challenge
- persist despite discouraging failures
- see others’ success as inspiration
Owning self
Overcoming a blocked mindset is only possible if the desire for change is authentic. If authenticity prevails – there are no limits. By unapologetically owning “the self,” no matter how “imperfect” or perhaps “embarrassing,” we organically stretch the obstacles’ fiber, making it breathable and more flexible.

Adopting a new approach
- seek feedback: don’t shy away from potential criticism. Gaining insight into our strengths and weak spots is crucial for developing a growth mindset.
- shift the perspective on failure: redefine defeat; professional failures are nothing more than organic learning sequences.
- accept limitations: we can’t win them all. And that’s okay. Always try and do your best. If it’s not working – it wasn’t for nothing. We can learn from that and set realistic goals.
- say “no” to external approval: it’s a trap. Pursuing approval and pursuing growth are two very different things. If we thrive on others’ nods, we become conditioned.
- say “yes” to challenges: they enforce growth. Fear? No. It’s an adventure. Challenges teach us how to adapt, explore new paths, enhance interpersonal skills, navigate new circumstances, and develop new competencies.
Learn something new, even if it feels extremely uncomfortable at first. If we want to overcome a blocked mindset, we must endure the unpleasantness of growth. Remember your first times: first unassisted bike ride, first solo trip, first job interview; yes, getting out of the comfort zone can be painful, but is it worth it? – You know the answer. Expanding the frontiers of our comfort zone is the reason we’re still alive, breathing, and well. – Knock on wood.If you want to learn more about maximizing your career potential, visit, the free go-to source for career exploration of the web.
On our platform we offer over 50 competency courses, including one on Growth Mindset.