Skills to help your young adult have career success

Entering the world of jobs, careers, success, business, and money is no easy feat. The transition is even more complex when you are a teen (or a newbie adult) who, on top of making life-changing decisions at a young age, has to battle love turbulence, friendship drama, and the latest fashion trends. Remember those days? We all do – because they were not easy! If you are reading this article, it is highly likely you are a parent who wants to help their not-so-little one deal with life’s challenges in the best way possible. Luckily, you are in just the right place as here you will learn everything you need to know about the skills to help your young adult have career success.

Practice basic coaching skills

Helping your child, no matter how old they are, might seem like something that should occur intuitively and effortlessly. However, some practice might be necessary if you want to help your young adult have career success. This is where coaching skills come into play. If you want to learn more about them, we recommend checking out our Coach to Launch course. Here’s what kind of skills you can expect to acquire upon completion:

  • Effective listening and body language
  • Planning, feedback, and follow-through
  • Reflection and relationship

Now, you might be thinking, ‘Do I really have to learn to listen?’. And the answer is – yes! Effective listening will enable you to go beyond simply hearing what your young adult has to say. It will teach you how to read non-verbal cues and allow you to better understand them. In turn, you will have an easier time getting your young adult on the right career path.

Moreover, it’s worth mentioning that coaching skills can come in handy in more ways than one. For instance, they can be particularly useful in a work environment. They will help you become a better leader, improve team performance and relationships between coworkers – the benefits are virtually endless!

Help your young adult develop a growth mindset

To achieve success in any field, whether personal or career-related, it is essential to ditch that fixed mindset and replace it with a growth mindset. In the former, people believe that they are good or bad at something simply because they were born that way, which doesn’t leave much space for improvement and learning. The latter, however, enables us to develop our qualities and abilities through practice, hard work, and dedication. When delicate young minds are in question, the transition from one way of thinking to another is what makes the most difference. But how can you make someone think in a completely different way than they are used to?

A hand holding a young plant signifying growth

It’s simple – start by teaching your young adult that imperfections are nothing to be ashamed of. Present any challenge they might come across as an opportunity for growth and make sure never to use the word ‘fail’. These simple practices will instill a much-needed sense of confidence into your teen that will open up many doors on their path to career success.

Find the right path together

This is where those effective listening skills are essential. Judgment-free conversations about different career wishes and goals are something you should often practice with your young adult. Remember to keep an open mind, even when they express the desire to explore something entirely unexpected. Feeling heard and understood is one of the best ways to flourish at such a delicate age. This doesn’t mean you should keep all of your opinions to yourself; just make sure to present them unobtrusively and with consideration to your young adult’s interests. Yes, there are many great jobs for college students, but what good will they be if your youngster doesn’t find them appealing?

A young adult and her mom devising an action plan on a laptop

With the help of our Coach to Launch course, you will be able to help your young adult figure out their strengths and interests, discuss college options or alternatives, and create an action plan together. This kind of support is the best way to help your young adult have career success.

Put your young adult first and yourself second

It’s not uncommon for good intentions and selfishness to mix. Naturally, we all want what is best for our children, but sometimes, what we think is best doesn’t coincide with what is truly beneficial for them. This doesn’t make you a bad parent. It simply means you have to look at the bigger picture.

You might think your almost-adult is better off staying in your hometown forever, but you should remember that other cities could potentially provide them with many more job opportunities. For example, DC is one of the best cities for this, so if your young adult expresses a yearning to chase their dreams in this or any other area, think twice before shutting them down.

Become the inspiring parent

Finally, the most helpful thing you can do is become an inspiring parent. And no, this doesn’t mean you should develop motivational speaking skills. While they can certainly help, being there for your young adult at all times, encouraging their dreams, and being brave for both of you during significant life changes is what is more important. Nurture mutual trust and aim to be a living example of the values you are trying to instill in them. Additionally, make sure not to punish or discourage them when things don’t go according to plan or when a shift in expectations or wishes occurs. Were you the same person in your teenage years as you are now? Probably not. Keep that in mind when trying to help your young adult choose the right career.

In conclusion

Finding effective ways to help your teenager or young adult with what life has in store for them is never an easy task. If you want to learn more about how to help your young adult have career success, make sure to visit Our tips, advice, and a variety of resources will help both you and your young adult become more confident and proactive when careers and future jobs are in question.

A mom with her teenage daughters


Sara Davis is an ex young adult and a mother of two teens. She has years of experience in coaching and counseling, which she now likes to use in her writing to help parents and their kids with various life challenges. She enjoys reading old sci-fi novels and practicing her painting skills through Bob Ross tutorials in her free time.


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